Mildred C. Wells
248 9th Street • Benton Harbor, MI 49022• TEL: (269) 926-2885
Serving Grades K-8
Mildred C. Wells Academy provides students with a caring, clean and safe environment. Policies are in place to ensure that students feel safe, secure and are focused on learning.
Students Experiencing Homelessness
Good attendance is essential if students are to reach their potential. Each day is an important opportunity to learn. Additionally, students are required by state law to attend school until age 16 with few exceptions. Parents are required to ensure their son/daughter maintains good attendance. Parents should also provide current emergency phone numbers.
Documentation for absences counted as present and excused absences must be provided.
Dress Code
Polo Shirts: solid blue, white or yellow polo long or short sleeve shirts
Pants/Skirts: navy blue or khaki, NO jean like material or look.
Shoes: shoes should be comfortable every day shoes or tennis shoes.
(no open toed, open back, flip flops, sandals, slides, or crocks allowed)
Outer: solid blue or white sweaters. No jackets or hoodies.
Outside Wear: During the winter months, please equip your child with proper outdoor attire, including hats, gloves, scarves, and boots. Students will still have recess in the winter as long as the temperature is not below 32 degrees.
No hats or wave caps may be worn inside the building.
Outdoor coats and jackets and boots may not be worn during class.
No crop tops with bare midriffs showing No low-riding pants with exposed underwear.
No sagging
No clothing or hats that advertise inappropriate products or subject matter.
No open-toe shoes, i.e. flip-flops.